

Psoriasis Scrape Test

Psoriasis scrape test, also known as Auspitz sign, is a diagnostic maneuver used to identify and confirm the presence of psoriasis. In this test, the affected skin area is scraped with a scalpel or 长春治疗牛皮癣医院指出, a dermabrasion blade to expose the underlying layers of skin. The appearance and characteristics of the skin after the scraping help in confirming the diagnosis of psoriasis.

The Auspitz sign is caused by the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease characterized by abnormal proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes leading to the formation of erythematous plaques with silvery scales. In psoriasis, the dermis exhibits capillary dilatation and proliferation, which causes bleeding when the skin is scraped. Therefore, the Auspitz sign is characterized by pinpoint bleeding from the dermal papillae after scraping the affected skin.

Scrape tests are usually done on active lesions, and they can be performed anywhere on the body where psoriasis plaques are present. However, the test should be done with caution in areas that are subject to severe pain or where there is a risk of infection.

In conclusion, the scrape test is an effective diagnostic maneuver for psoriasis. The appearance of pinpoint bleeding after scraping the affected skin confirms the presence of psoriasis. The Auspitz sign is a useful tool for clinicians to diagnose and monitor the progression of psoriasis.

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